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HPR DS 500mg (100pcs Box)


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Generic: Mefenamic Acid
Type: Tablet
Pack Size: 100 Pcs



Indications of HPR DSMenstrual pain, Toothache, Headaches, Muscle pain, Joint pain, Backache in the lower back, and Migraine are just a few of the conditions that are treated with HPR DS 500 when it comes to moderate to severe pain. It effectively reduces inflammation and pain. It is best to take HPR DS 500 with food. The purpose for which you are taking it and how well it relieves your symptoms will determine the dosage and time frame. Even if you feel better, you should continue taking the medication until the doctor gives the all-clear to stop.PharmacologyMefenamic acid includes Mefenamic Acid, a nonsteroidal drug having analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects owing to its dual action on prostaglandins. It inhibits prostaglandin synthetase enzymes and antagonizes prostaglandin effects at receptor locations.Dosage & AdministrationAdult:Adults should take a 500 mg dose up to three times (totaling 1.5 gm) each day with meals. One tablet (250 mg) taken three times per day may be the recommended dosage.In the event of menorrhagia, take 500 mg three times daily with meals starting at the start of menstruation and continuing as needed based on the doctor’s judgment.Children:6 months to 1 year: 5 ml three times/day.2-4 years: 10 ml three times/day.5-8 years: 10 ml four times /day.9-12 years: 15 ml four times/day.Treatment should not be continued for more than 7 days except on the advice of a physician.Interaction of HPR DSAspirin: Like other NSAIDs, concomitant use of Mefenamic Acid with Aspirin is generally not advised due to the possibility of intensified side effects.Mefenamic acid can reduce platelet aggregation and possibly lengthen the prothrombin time in people taking warfarin.ContraindicationsFor those who have a history of mefenamic acid hypersensitivity, it is not advised. People who have a peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, or who are impaired in their liver or kidneys shouldn’t take it. Additionally, it is not advised for people who have previously taken aspirin or another NSAID and experienced bronchospasm, skin rashes, or other negative side effects.Side Effects of HPR DSAbdominal discomfortConstipationDiarrheaDyspepsiaFlatulenceNauseaGl ulcersVomitingDizzinessAltered renal functionPruritusRashes are the most commonly reported unpleasant effects, occuring in around 1-10% of patients.Pregnancy & LactationMefenamic acid’s safety in terms of reproductive capability and pregnancy has not been proven. As a result, mefenamic acid should be administered in women of reproductive potential and during pregnancy only when the possible advantages outweigh the potential hazards. Mefenamic acid traces may be found in breast milk and passed on to breastfeeding infants. Mefenamic acid should not be used by a nursing mother due to the effects of this family of medicines on the cardiovascular system of the child.Precautions & WarningsIt should be used with care for allergic disorders, particularly asthma. In cases of diarrhea, rashes, cholestatic jaundice, thrombocytopenia, or hemolytic anemia, the medication should be discontinued.Storage ConditionsKeep away from light, and store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

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HPR DS 500mg (100pcs Box)


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