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Magnox 365mg 10pcs


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Type: Tablet
Pack Size: 10 Pcs



IndicationsMagnesium Oxide is indicated in-Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are lessened.Angina pectoris, a heart attack, moderate or severe hypertension, an irregular heartbeat, etc.Titania’s symptoms include muscle cramps, gastrointestinal cramps, heightened muscle, and nerve stimulability, called cramps, and cramp in infants and young children.Gynecological illnesses include cervical insufficiency, eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, tocolysis, and dysmenorrhea.The processes of ossification and calcification take place within the body.reducing the risk of kidney stones developingTreatment for diabetes and migrainePharmacologyMagnesium belongs to a group of drugs called mineral support products. It exists as the mineral periclase in nature. Glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and energy synthesis all require magnesium to function. The purest form of magnesium oxide is an odorless, tasteless, white, or colorless crystalline substance or very fine powder.Magnesium helps the body regulate a variety of physiological processes, such as protein synthesis, muscle and neuron function, blood sugar regulation, and blood pressure regulation. It contributes to the structural growth of bone and is necessary for the production of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. In addition, magnesium participates in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, which is essential for the conduction of nerve impulses, the contraction of muscles, and a regular heartbeat.24-76% of the magnesium that is consumed is absorbed in the digestive system.Magnesium dispersion’s volume ranges from 13.65 to 49.00 L.
There doesn’t seem to be any processing of magnesium.
Magnesium is primarily eliminated through the kidneys.Dosage & AdministrationThe recommended daily dose for adults and adolescents (12-17 years) is 1-2 tablets.InteractionNitrofurantoin, Penicillamine, Tetracyclines, Fluoroquinolones, Digoxin, Lithium, Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, Nifedipine, and other amino quinolones are examples.ContraindicationsHypersensitivity and severe renal impairment.Side EffectsStomach upset and diarrheaHypermagnesaemiaParalytic ileusHyper-excitabilityMuscle weaknessSleepinessPregnancy & LactationIf you are allergic to magnesium, notify your doctor or pharmacist before taking it.Storage ConditionsKeep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place, below 25°C temperature, and protected Irom light.

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