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Acteria Femina 10pcs


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Type: Capsule
Pack Size: 10 Pcs



A Probiotic Combination

Composition: Each capsule contains 2.3 billion CFU of Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 & Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1.

Indication: It is indicated for vaginal irritation, vaginal discomfort, and reduction of colonization of bad bacteria & yeast in the vagina. pH protection of the vagina against imbalances. Re-establishment & maintenance of good bacteria in the vagina. It is also indicated for urinary tract infection.


Recent research on probiotic activity shows that probiotics reduce gastrointestinal inflammation in both humans and animals (human inflammatory bowel disease) by altering epithelial cell function, including epithelial cell barrier function, epithelial cytokine secretion, and their antibacterial effects on epithelial layer colonization. Through the activation of lactic acid-producing bacteria, it lowers gut pH and has a direct antagonistic effect on gastrointestinal pathogens. Additionally, it competes with pathogens for receptor sites and binding. Additionally, there is growing proof that probiotics stimulate regulatory T cells, which serve as a check on the effector T cells that would otherwise produce inflammation.

Granulocytes in the circulating blood appear to have increased nonspecific immunological phagocytic activity when given Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. This result may partially explain why rotavirus-infected newborns’ IgA responses are stimulated. Antioxidant capacity has also been shown by lactic acid bacteria, including strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Iron and copper ion chelation, scavenging of reactive oxygen species, and reducing activity are some of the mechanisms.


Dosage and administration: Take 1 to 2 capsules with food, preferably with breakfast daily. Or, as directed by the registered physician.

Use in pregnancy and lactation: It is safe to use during pregnancy and lactation.

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