Allbeevit-M indicated for the treatment and/or prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiencies associated with restricted diets, improper food intake, alcoholism and decreased absorption. It is also indicated in patients with increased requirements for vitamins and minerals due to acute and chronic diseases, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, infections, during treatment with antibiotics, convalescence etc. To prevent the occurrence of serious birth defects periconceptional (from three months before conception up to the first trimester of pregnancy) supplementation with this tablet is required.
Allbeevit-M Dosage: Orally one tablet daily for adult and children over 5 years of age or as directed by the physicians.
Allbeevit-M Side effects have been reported with specific vitamins & minerals, but at level substantially higher than those in this tablet. Iron has been associated with gastrointestinal intolerance in some patients.
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