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Nutrivit C 250mg 200pcs(box)


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Generic: Vitamin C 1 gm
Type: Tablet
Pack Size: 200pcs



Nutrivit C? (vitamin C) the water-soluble vitamin, is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is widely distributed in the body tissues. It is believed to be involved in biological oxidations and reductions used in cellular respiration. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen and intracellular material. Vitamin C deficiency develops when the dietary intake is inadequate and when increased demand is not fulfilled. Deficiency leads to the development of well defined syndrome known as scurvy, which is characterized by capillary fragility, bleeding (especially from small blood vessels and the gums), anaemia, cartilage and bone lesions and slow healing of wounds.

INDICATION: Nutrivit C? is indicated for prevention and treatment of scurvy. It may be indicated in pregnancy, lactation, infection, trauma, burns, cold exposure, following surgery, fever, stress, peptic ulcer, cancer, methaemoglobinaemia and in infants receiving unfortified formulas. It is also prescribed for haematuria, dental caries, pyorrhea, acne, infertility, atherosclerosis, fractures, leg ulcers, hay fever, vascular thrombosis prevention, levodopa toxicity, succinyl-choline toxicity, arsenic toxicity etc. To reduce the risk of stroke in the elderly, long-term supplementation with Nutrivit C? is essential. 

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