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Tapenta 75mg 10pcs


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Type: Tablet
Pack Size: 10 Pcs
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Dosage: Oral (Adult)-Moderate to severe acute pain: As immediate-release preparation: Initially, 50 mg, 75 mg or 100 mg 4-6 hrly, depending on pain intensity. On day 1, a 2nd dose may be given 1 hr after the initial dose if pain relief is inadequate; subsequent dose may be given 4-6 hrly, adjust according to response. Max: 700 mg on day 1, 600 mg daily on subsequent days.

Chronic pain, Neuropathic pain: Moderate to severe chronic pain; Neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: As modified-release preparation: Initially, 50 mg 12 hrly, may increase by 100 mg every 3 days if pain relief is inadequate. Max: 500 mg daily.Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, somnolence, constipation, pruritus, dry mouth, hyperhidrosis, fatigue, CNS depression, seizures, orthostatic hypotension, syncope.

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